Wednesday, 16 January 2008

What A Pisser.

Je-ZUS H Christ! I am so sick of this rain but more than that, I am sick of these bloody weather people getting it wrong for my part of the world.

For the last 2 days I have gone out in the pouring rain to walk the dog. Hat on. Wellies on. Waterproof on. (not very waterproofy, got soaked.) And five minutes after I arrive home the rain stops. Yes it stops for at least 5 hours if not most of the day. I could have waited until then to go out for walkies, but the clever weather people said it would rain all day with no breaks. Grrrrrr. And to top it all my sodding hair looks like a nightmare! I HATE THE RAIN!

Funnily enough, Henry appears to have the same problems with his hair. He goes all curly and around the ears he looks as if he's been crimped. I think he's coming out in sympathy. bless him. Despite being a Golden he looks like a blacken after the muddy walks.


Anonymous said...

Yes its pretty gloomy where I am too and the colds just seem to hang around forever! Everyone is sneezing...even the cats! as they look out of the kitchen door with a look of disgust on their faces at the rain. I can imagine your dog looks like a naughty kid all covered in mud! you bath him?

Anonymous said...

Sounds exactly like what happens when I want to go running. Clear day but then chucks it down the second I get out of the door. At least I don't get covered in mud. Well, not usually anyway.

Annieye said...

Your last sentence made me laugh out loud. At least having black labs disguises the muck to some extent!

There is a flood warning on the River Ise, but a surprising lack of obvious concern amongst the powers that be. The river is only about six inches below the level of the bridge on the main road. The fields are flooded like I've never seen before: Wicksteed Park lake is overflowing and can't take any more water from the river, and there is a ford-like stream across the road in one place.

I've only ever know the river breach the main road once in my life and that was at Easter 1998. If we get any more rain it will surely happen again.

Mercedes. said...

I bath him motherx every 3is months. when he comes home looking like a blacken i use the hosepipe. chilly on the old willy but soon gets the job done.

Anonymous said...

One of my persian cats came in looking like a drowned rat in all that rain today! she was so mad she spat at one of the boys!

Anonymous said...

How did you manage to get negative numbers in your word count?
I hope it's not a bug in my meter. Send me your code and I'll try to fix it!

Karen said...

Yay - it's not raining today! Can I possibly get away with not having to hose Molly-dog down when we return from the fields-of-mud, for a change??? I do hope so.

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Is there anyone who actually likes this weather? Oh, to live in Spain, Italy or anywhere with a bit sunshine.

Annieye said...

I've tagged you Mercedes.

Anonymous said...

Loved meeting you! Had a great time and cant wait to see you again! x

Annieye said...

Didn't we have a great time! Hope you got home OK. Speak soon


Anonymous said...

Loved meeting you too! it was the best time Id had for a long time!!