Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Vodka, Vodka where are you?

You will all know that I am partial to a little or rather a large VAT. (for those of you not in the know that is a vodka and tonic.) Well on many occasions I have gone to pour out my favourite tipple and stood with amazement looking at the nearly if not empty bottle. And my question has been, 'Who has been drinking my VODKA!' Now, as there isn't another voddy drinker in the house, it can only be one other person ... Henry. See from the picture above the tale tale signs of a drunken dog.


Anonymous said...

...and I suppose you've eaten all his dog biscuits? ;oP

Denise said...

I seem to have a similar problem with a bottle of Bombay Saphire. I blame evaporation myself, global warming!

Frankies' Cornish Farmyard Ramblings said...

What happened to wine drinking? Or is that just in the summer months,nearly 4.00pm just a couple of hours and then i can open the red thats waiting, showing itself off on the worktop, getting ready to pop its cork - well it would but its actually a plastic bottle of woolf blass with a screw top, much easier to recycle in our complicated recycling system. Keep up the writings, can i assume you have acheived your writing deadline and now able to get back to blogland?

Anonymous said...

Thats so cute. Does he get hangovers?